FINAL transnational meeting Lisbon | portugal

23 April 2024

FEEF transnational meeting Lisbon 2024

On April 23rd, NOVA University gathered together for the final transnational meeting.

The team from NOVA, Padova University and UCLL were face to face, while team UC and CISE where virtually present.

This was a meeting to review all the work performed over the past years, the achievments and great successes achieved.
It was also the moment to discuss the future and the sustainability of the project as well as the reporting of the project to the national agency.
This has certainly been a moment to celebrate for the great effort but also the creation of strong partnerships that will definitely going to continue to collaborate in the future.

Innovation sprint in FEEF - Hasselt | Belgium

October 2023

How do you boost learning and work processes within different fields? The answer that FEEF (From Educator  to  Entrepreneurial Facilitator) offers is clear: teachers introduce new methods into their lessons that students use to better prepare themselves for the business world. The initiative was carried at UCLL and the results were very promissing.

Learn more here.

FOUrth transnational meeting - padova | Italy

September 2023

On the 5th and 6th of September, the FEEF consortium gathered for the fourth transnational meeting. This time the consortium met in Padova - Italy.

During this meeting, we discussed the implementation of the pilots and defined how we were going to implement and assess the pilots. This meeting was very intense and a lot of work was made during this two days! Well done FEEF team.


5th Jun 2023

MOOC launch_May2023

FEEF MOOC has been released.

With this digital tool we want to contribute to strengthen the resources available for mentoring students, integrating their educators on an entrepreneurial mentorship scheme that will allow them to facilitate the students' self knowledge process.

We created a training program that focuses on developing a set of Facilitation techniques to allow Educators to gain new skills and competences that will allow them to engage better with students and support them in achieving their goals and personal objectives.

Enroll now here!

This course is open to anyone interested in shortening the GAP between Education and Job Market. 

Staff training - Santander | Spain

26th May 2023

The Santander International Entrepreneurship Center (CISE)  of the University of Cantabria (UC) has organized a 'Staff Training' included in the program 'From Educators to Entrepreneurial Facilitators – Creating an Ecosystem for Knowledge Transfer' (FEEF) , financed by the European Union through Erasmus +, in which 40 European teachers are being trained, as a pilot, in the methodology developed by the program to reduce the gap between the world of academia and the business world.

The participating professors come from the universities promoting the project: NOVA University Lisbon, Santander International Entrepreneurship Center (CISE), the University of Cantabria, the Universitá Degli Studi Di Padova and the University Limburg-Leuven (UCLL). The training they received lasted three days and was based on the development of entrepreneurial skills in students through facilitation techniques for teachers.

Prior to the staff training, participants also completed the MOOC and had access to the toolkit. You can find the documents here.

You can also read more about it in here.

Third TRANSNATIONAL MEETING - Santander | Spain

5th December 2022

On the 29th of November, the FEEF consortium gathered for the third transnational meeting. This time the consortium met in Santander - Spain.
During this meeting, we discussed the video contents being created for our MOOC, we filmed our teaser and also some videos for the last module and we discussed our staff training that will be held next year in Santander. The coordination team congratulates the efforts being made from all partners into bringing this project live!

You can also read more about it in here.

NOVA University wins the triple e awards

29th Jun 2022

Triple E awards_NOVA wins

NOVA University Lisbon was awarded "Young Entrepreneurial University of the Year" by the Accreditation for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU), during the Triple E Awards ceremony, which took place in Florence.

This is the first time, in Europe, that a higher education institution is distinguished for its role in the creation of value in society, through innovation.
NOVA was among the five finalists chosen by a specialized jury.

Through its students, alumni and researchers, NOVA has created more than 100 startups. Every year, more than 2500 students get involved in activities related to entrepreneurship, and there are 19 spin-offs recognised by NOVA that are responsible for the creation of more than 165 jobs.

NOVA University and UCll finalists in the triple e awards

5 Jun 2022

Triple E awards

The Triple E Awards are a global recognition of efforts towards the quest for entrepreneurship and engagement in higher education. It is the first award to focus specifically on different dimensions of the universities' third mission. Implemented regionally, the Triple E Awards aim to foster change in universities and to emphasize their role in their communities and ecosystems.

Both NOVA University Lisbon and UCLL, have been selected as one of the five finalists for the Triple E awards in the category "Young Entrepreneurial University of the year".

The winner will be announced on the 28th of June live in Florence.
Nevertheless, both Institutions are to congratulate for their continuous efforts in promoting innovation, entrepreneurial competences and value creation.

Know more about it here.

Second TRANSNATIONAL MEETING - Hasselt | Belgium

4th July 2022


On the 30th of June, the FEEF consortium gathered for the second transnational meeting in Hasselt - Limburg. In this very intense meeting we managed to discuss final details for our methodology and design the different modules that will be part of our digital training (MOOC: Massive Online Open Course). With the digital training we will be able to give educators, in a digital and permanent format the content to be learnt in FEEF project. The MOOC will consist of a series of interviews, best practices and the facilitation techniques we have chosen to help reduce the gap.


30 March 2022


One of the key goals of the FEEF project is to reduce the gap between the Academia and the Business world. For that we need to create bridges between the different stakeholders, by creating effective communication channels. 

In order to do that we need to understand what are the main barriers and difficulties we are facing so the FEEF team decided to create a survey and a focus group with people from the different sectors (Academia, Business world and Hybrid - which are the ones that are part of both worlds) and understand the next steps to reduce this gap.


21-22 February 2022


On the 21st and 22nd of February, the FEEF consortium gathered to meet face-to-face, brainstorm and co-create on the first Intellectual Output - the FEEF methodology. During two very intensive days, the partners were working in NOVA University Lisbon to further develop the methodology.


20-21 December 2021


The official Kick-off of the FEEF project took place on the 21st December, where the group meet online, to get to know each other better, to discuss the approved project and start organizing the work activities among partners.